Friday, December 28, 2012

Week 8 Weigh-In

Moderation...It Works!!!!
Week 8...This was the weigh-in I've been dreading. Christmas favorite time of the year. I love Christmas. A time of giving, reflection and thanks...Not to mention a big 'eating season' for me. I already mention my wife's yearly "Cookiepalooza" festivities. If it can fit on a cookie sheet, she is throwing some ginger or chocolate on it and tossing it in the oven. She doesn't skimp on the dinner or hors d'oeuvres either. The "12 Temptation of Christmas" staring me in the face and I had a decision to make..., while I must admit that for three days I indulged(I started my cookie sampling the day before Christmas Eve), I incorporated a technique that I am not to familiar with...Moderation. My gregarious nature has always been my downfall when it comes to the 'Battle of the Bulge'. There has never been a call for seconds that I would turn down. If "it tasted nice, I'd try it twice"...Well this year I did not pass on anything. The only difference was that I assured myself that the second helpings that I was passing on was in no way better than the first I devoured. This was major for me. So did my method work? I stepped on the scale this morning with baited breath...

...only cool skinny guys can pull of wearing the 70's retro tube socks!
...I couldn't be happier. Even with 3 days of being somewhat off my diet, I lost 6.6 pounds. This brings my 8 week total to 32 pounds. I also proved to myself that I can take a day or two every now and then and indulge. Just do it with moderation!

With a little less than 5 weeks left, I have just 8 pounds to go to meet the lower end of my goal of 40 to 50 pounds. The upper end of that goal looks within reach as well...and that is what I intend on reaching.

***Please make sure to donate to Ocean Cure. I am worried that I am not mentioning enough that this is a fundraiser for a tremendous organization that does so much for so many. Feel free to forward to anyone who might find this blog useful or entertaining. Thanks!!!***

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