Wednesday, December 5, 2012

When the Gospel Comes to Life...

...A Scriptural Comparison...

And some men brought on a stretcher a man who was paralyzed; they were trying to bring him in and set [him] in his presence. But not finding a way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on the stretcher through the tiles into the middle in front of Jesus. When he saw their faith, he said, “As for you, your sins are forgiven". ~ Luke 5:17-20

This has always been one of my favorite passages from scripture. From the time our son Tommy was diagnosed with autism it has grown to mean so much more, especially in light of the people who we have been exposed to. One of our biggest wishes that my wife and I have regarding Tommy, is him finding his place in life. That he isn't just 'dealt with' or 'maintained'. That his fullest potential can be reached. 

We live in a social society and when you are challenged with autism, it can be quite difficult to fit those social parameters. Finding people willing to 'open a hole in a roof' for him from time to time, enabling him to show his own glory is the most we can ask for. Without such help, you are talking about a sort of 'social paralysis' for a child on the spectrum. One that can be as debilitating as any sort of physical paralysis.

The disciples in this passage were faced with a challenge themselves. Like everyone else in Capernaum that day, they wanted to hear the word of Christ. What all others would soon be experiencing was something that they would not allow their paralytic friend to be denied. Through their own benevolence, determination and ingenuity they ensured that their friend would see their Lord in all his glory. Most importantly, it was their faith, which spurred the actions that helped bring about his healing.

While I cannot lay claim to witnessing the actions of these disciples from the gospel, I can say that I have seen the actions and the fruits of those who have followed their example. The men and women who give so generously at Ocean Cure carry their example on a regular basis. Their love of one of God's great gifts, the ocean is indeed great. It is also a love that they would hate to see others deprived of, due to any sort of barrier, whether it be mental, physical or social. They are the ones who are cutting through the roof, building the door or opening windows to create whatever portal necessary required for those with these sorts of limitation to appreciate this gift of nature. Not to mention the wonder and awe one can experience from it. From the wounded vet to a blind child, the boy with autism to the woman looking to restore her dignity in surviving breast cancer, from the inner city girl with HIV to the paraplegic who must be lowered onto the surfboard itself. These are the people that are experiencing the type of healing Ocean Cure has to offer. The type of cure that comes with the realization that I CAN go beyond the boundaries that might seem so apparent due to my limitation...and the realization that I have caring people that will help me face and overcome these obstacles.

I have often heard reference to the 'gospel coming to life'. I am sure these moments occur everyday. Unfortunately, me being the type who is sometimes too blind to see the forest due to the trees being in the way, I usually tend to miss them. Not so whenever I see one of the above categorized people pull an "Ocean Cure' rash guard on, pair up with an instructor who will 'lower them from the roof' so they can bravely challenge their limitations. I can see the 'gospel come to life' very clearly then.

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